
Brown Bag: The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community Program
Maureen Langlois
Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community Program (SRTC) is an interdisciplinary, international service-…

Brown Bag: Health And Demographic Surveillance In Africa: Experiences From The Last 25 Years
Maureen Langlois
Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
Africa is the world region with the least information on population health. Most civil registration and vital…

New “Voices From The Field” Brown Bag Series Focuses On Africa
Maureen Langlois
The Global Water Institute and the Center for African Studies announce a new informal lunchtime forum to highlight the work of Ohio State faculty who have had significant…

EVENT: EPN Breakfast Club: We All Need Healthy Rivers
Maureen Langlois
In honor of World Water Month, the Environmental Professionals Network program will be jointly presented with the Water Management Association of Ohio.
We All Need…

EVENT: Faculty Forum: Sustainable Water Infrastructure
Maureen Langlois
On November 18, 2016, the Sustainable and Resilient Economy and Global Water Institute will seek to identify and build a community of Ohio State faculty who are…

EVENT: Global One Health Symposium
Maureen Langlois
Ohio State’s Global One Health initiative will host its inaugural symposium “Innovation to Impact” on National One Health Day. The interdisciplinary initiative addresses…

Spring Course Offering: Water: A Human History
Maureen Langlois
Prof. Nicholas Breyfogle will offer a spring semester course exploring the relationship between people and water over time and place.
Water: A Human History (…

EVENT: Global Water Institute At GIS Day
Maureen Langlois
The Global Water Insitute’s Senior Research Associate Rebecca Gianotti will give a lightning talk at the campus GIS Day about using GIS to explore water resource…

EVENT: Voices For Water: WMAO Conference and Symposium
Maureen Langlois
The Water Management Association of Ohio presents its 45th Annual Conference and Symposium, “Voices for Water.”
Join us as we highlight the efforts of those…