The Water Management Association of Ohio presents its 45th Annual Conference and Symposium, “Voices for Water.”
Join us as we highlight the efforts of those people in water resource management who are the voices for water. Our voices inform, teach, report, and warn about the issues that confront water quality, water quantity, and its accessibility.
Date: November 9 & 10, 2016
Location: Crowne Plaza Columbus North-Worthington, 6500 Doubletree Ave., Columbus; 1-614-885-1885 (Reservations)
More information and registration at the WMAO website.
Note: Special networking opportunities for students
- Water professionals networking (Wednesday evening 11/9)
- Ohio Water Resources Council public meeting (Thursday afternoon 11/10). OWRC is the council of state agencies that handle water issues, including ODOT, ODH, OEPA, ODA, ODNR, and PUCO.
Image source: Flickr user jcsullivan24