Brown Bag: Health And Demographic Surveillance In Africa: Experiences From The Last 25 Years

Maureen Langlois
Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
Africa is the world region with the least information on population health. Most civil registration and vital statistics systems in Africa cover a small fraction of the population and produce data that are not useful. Consequently, the empirical basis for understanding population dynamics and population health in Africa is surprisingly thin. Professor Sam Clark will speak about over 20 years of steps and missteps working in the field and with African institutions engaged in a range of data collection and training activities. Much of the presentation will be about work with demographic and health surveillance system sites and the epidemiological and demographic research and training work that they do.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, 12-1 pm
Enarson Classroom Building Room 100 on the Ohio State University campus
The event is free and open to the public, and participants are welcome to bring lunch and eat during the conversation.
About the speaker
Sam Clark is a professor in the Department of Sociology and a member of the Translational Data Analytics discovery team. His research is in the areas of demography and health. The goal is to improve measurement and understanding of interacting population and health issues affecting Africa. This involves developing new efficient, feasible methods to measure population and health indicators; development of new methods to ascertain cause of death; and a variety of observational studies to describe and document the epi-demographic transition in Africa. This work draws on expertise in demography, sociology, epidemiology, linguistics, statistics/biostatistics, and computer science.
About the Series
The Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series is a collaboration between the Center for African Studies and the Global Water Institute. Sessions are held Wednesdays from 12-1 in Enarson 100. Other upcoming Voices from the Field sessions:
March 1
Joe Campbell (School of Environment and Natural Resources), “The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community (SRTC) Program”
March 8
Suzanne Gray (School of Environment and Natural Resources), TBD
March 29
Roger Dzwonczyk (Department of Engineering Education), TBD
April 12
Mario Miranda (Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics), TBD
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Photo: Design Outreach