EVENT: Global One Health Symposium

November 3, 2016

EVENT: Global One Health Symposium

A rural hospital

Maureen Langlois

Ohio State’s Global One Health initiative will host its inaugural symposium “Innovation to Impact” on National One Health Day. The interdisciplinary initiative addresses curriculum twinning and electronic capacity-building in priority global areas including maternal and child health, tuberculosis, food safety, zoonotic disease prevention and chronic diseases. Marty Kress, executive director of the Global Water Institute, will speak at a Thursday session.

Dates: Wednesday, Nov. 9 and Thursday, Nov. 10

Location: (11/10) at Blackwell Inn and Pfahl Conference Center, 202 Pfahl Hall.

Registration: Seating is limited. Register for sessions by Nov. 4 (5 p.m.).

More information at the event page.

Image Source: Ohio State Global One Health

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