

A river flowing between fields and trees and a broad countryside with a few buildings at the peak of the hills

EVENT: Euphrates Tigris Water Issues Workshop

Maureen Langlois

Coinciding with the celebration of Earth Day, GWI, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, and the Middle East Studies Center will co-sponsor a full-day…

Three armed soldiers in combat gear walking across a bridge over a river

EVENT: Aysegul Kibaroglu on Transboundary Water Politics in the Euphrates Tigris Region

Maureen Langlois

Aysegul Kibaroglu, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at MEF University in Istanbul, Turkey, will give a keynote address on Thursday April 21,…

Four black adults in a tile-floored room sitting on benches with children sleeping on the floor or in their laps

EVENT: Christine Moe On The Water and Sanitation Crisis In Healthcare Facilities In Low-Income Countries

Maureen Langlois

Christine Moe, the Eugene J. Gangarosa Professor of Safe Water and Sanitation in the Rollins School of Public Health and the Director of the Center for Global Safe…

The United States White House on a clear sunny day

Ohio State Invited To Showcase Water Innovations At White House Water Summit

Maureen Langlois

As water issues continue to make headlines both close to home and far away, a White House Water Summit on March 22 will gather leading stakeholders that have innovative…

A massive iceberg and a boat with four people in red coats riding across the water towards a break in the ice

EVENT: Screening Of Antarctic Edge: 70° South With Panel Discussion

Maureen Langlois

GWI Faculty Advisory Committee member Berry Lyons will co-host a panel discussion at a screening of Antarctic Edge: 70° South sponsored by Byrd Polar and Climate Research…

A mid-brown skined woman with dark, curly, shoulder-length hair. She is wearing a gray blazer, a black shirt, and a necklace with light purple gems

EVENT: Managing Water Resources: Local, Global

Just in time for World Water Day, this month’s EPN Breakfast Club is a collaborative event with the Water Management Association of Ohio. The breakfast and morning sessions, co-sponsored by GWI,…