EVENT: Christine Moe On The Water and Sanitation Crisis In Healthcare Facilities In Low-Income Countries

March 22, 2016

EVENT: Christine Moe On The Water and Sanitation Crisis In Healthcare Facilities In Low-Income Countries

Four black adults in a tile-floored room sitting on benches with children sleeping on the floor or in their laps

Maureen Langlois

Christine Moe, the Eugene J. Gangarosa Professor of Safe Water and Sanitation in the Rollins School of Public Health and the Director of the Center for Global Safe Water at Emory University, will speak about the intersection of water, sanitation and health as part of the Hydropolitics Seminar Series co-sponsored by the Mershon Center for International Security Studies and GWI. The Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Disease (PHPID)  is also sponsoring Dr. Moe’s visit.

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 (12:30 p.m.)

Location: Biomedical Research Tower

More info at the Mershon Center website.

Photo source: NY Times

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