

A white woman and a bunch of black kinds smiling and engaged with each other. There is a clay and straw house behind them

EVENT: Sustainable And Resilient Tanzanian Community Study Abroad Program

Maureen Langlois

Resident directors Dr. Joe Campbell and Mary McLaughlin will hold information sessions for the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community study abroad program.…

Two white men standing in a boat and setting up a scientific tool in a lake

EVENT: Harmful Algal Bloom Research at Stone Lab

Maureen Langlois

Justin Chaffin, Research Coordinator and Senior Researcher at Ohio State’s Stone Laboratory, will discuss several ongoing research projects at October’s Water Management…

A petri dish with an algal bloom held by a white hand over murky grey water

EVENT: Harmful Algal Blooms Workshop In Toledo To Discuss Health Impacts

Maureen Langlois

GWI Faculty Advisory Committee member Jiyoung Lee will co-lead a workshop for health professionals on the front lines of harmful algal blooms in Toledo, Ohio next month…

Two white people, a man and a woman, facing the camera and wearing blue "tour de H2O" tee shirts. Facing them are two women in purple tank tops and biking helmets with their backs to the camera.

EVENT: Seventh Annual Tour de H2O June 4

Maureen Langlois

GWI faculty consultant Keely Croxton is once again working with a team to put on the Tour de H2O, a central Ohio bike ride aimed at raising money for increased water…

A mixed race, mixed gender group of adults in a college classroom

EVENT: Summer Global Teacher Seminar: Water Security For The 21st Century

Maureen Langlois

A new seminar developed jointly by the Office of International Affairs’ area studies centers, School of Earth Sciences and the Department of Teaching and Learning at The…

A river full of trash, plants, and boats. There are people in the boats and wading in the water. On the far bank are buildings and trees

EVENT: Jianyong Wu On Water-Borne Disease In Bangladesh

Maureen Langlois

Untangling Risk Factors for Diarrheal Disease in Rural Bangladesh: Water, Land and Climate

Jianyong Wu,  Ph.D. Spatial Health Research Group & Water…

A triangle and three quadrilaterals overlapping at odd angles

EVENT: Unsectored Cbus Takes On Rural Water Development


GWI will team up with Unsectored Cbus this Thursday, April 21 to brainstorm cross-disciplinary solutions for rural water access in developing countries. Unsectored Cbus brings…

A white man with short brown hair wearing a business suit as he speaks at a podium

EVENT: Mayor To Present Columbus GreenSpotLight Awards At Ohio State

Maureen Langlois

Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 7:45am – 10:30am Location: Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center   The Ohio State University and the SENR Environmental…
Text: Hot Topic Lake Erie Algal Blooms. Logo is red and yellow with a fire in the "O" of "Hot"

EVENT: GWI’s Jay Martin On The Solution Space For Harmful Algal Blooms

Maureen Langlois

Tackling harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie and other freshwater bodies is no easy challenge–but GWI Senior Faculty Lead Jay Martin and others have some ideas for how to…