

Three Black women in business atire at a meeting table. Two are sitting, the third is standing

Measuring the Substantive Representation of Zimbabwean Women’s Issues in the National Legislature


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

The presence of women in African politics has been hailed by observers both inside and outside the region as a step in the right…

A group of people sitting at computers in a circle

Brown Bag: Stuck Between Two Extremes: Trying to Find Solutions That Work in the Field and in the Lab


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Finding compatible research cultures in the field may be just as difficult–but is certainly just as important–as bridging…

Three women, one white and two Black. The white woman and one of the Black women are listening to the other as she gestures, mid-speach

Brown Bag: From Focus Groups to Field Experiments: A Decade of Data Collection in Malawi


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Studying the relationship between identity and politics in Malawi forces researchers to rely on a plethora of data collection…

3 people kneeling on the ground petting a dog with a crowd surrounding them

Brown Bag: Veterinary Data Collection in Ethiopia- Maria Belu


Kickoff speaker Maria Belu, DVM

As part of the CDC Global Health Security Agenda, Ohio State led a mass rabies vaccination pilot this year in Ethiopia. It was a six-week campaign…

To older Black men at a table, working on files and smiling

Challenges And Opportunities Of Data In Africa: Autumn 2017 Voices from the Field Speaker Series

Chaitanya Balasubramanyam

GWI is once again teaming up with the Center for African Studies and the Global One Health initiative to present Voices from the Field, a brown bag speaker series…

A black woman holding two babies, swadles in patterned cloth, and smiling down at them. Behind her are other black women.

Tackling Infectious Disease With A Systems Approach: Two Stories From East Africa

Maureen Langlois

A lunch forum featuring three international visitors working with Ohio State in East Africa.

Date: Wednesday, June 14, 12-2

Location: Enarson Classroom…

Two black men sitting in plastic chairs across from each other. One is reading a document.

Brown Bag: Promoting Technical Transformation And Financial Inclusion Among Smallholder Farmers In Africa

Maureen Langlois

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Mario Miranda will discuss two interrelated factors that have been identified by development economists as critical…

Four black men and one white man standing in a filed of yellow reeds

Brown Bag: Culture, Agriculture And Shrubs: Improving Soils and Crop Yield in West Africa

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

The Sahel is an ecologically fragile environment where in-season drought periods are common, causing chronic low yields, crop failures, and…

Smiling at the camera are two white women and a black man wearing brown waders and holding walking sticks

Brown Bag: Linking Water Quality With Aquatic Biodiversity In Rural Ugandan Communities

Maureen Langlois

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

This week, Suzanne Gray will discuss her Water Across the World project, where she works with students in rural…