Brown Bag: Stuck Between Two Extremes: Trying to Find Solutions That Work in the Field and in the Lab

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
Finding compatible research cultures in the field may be just as difficult–but is certainly just as important–as bridging different human cultures. For a recent project on foot-and-mouth disease, Rebecca Garabed experienced the juxtaposition of the research culture of a remote field team in Cameroon with that of the high-security US reference laboratory that was analyzing samples. Bridging these two worlds was necessary to obtain high-quality biological samples from the field and transfer them back to the US. Garabed will discuss this experience and the ways her team managed expectations with their collaborators to get what they needed within their capabilities. She will also discuss challenges related to data management and sharing in this type of setting.
Wednesday, September 27, 12-1 pm
Enarson Classroom Building Room 160 on The Ohio State University campus
The event is free and open to the public, and participants are welcome to bring lunch and eat during the conversation. RSVP here.
About the speaker

Rebecca Garabed, VMD, MPVM, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, studied infectious diseases through a project in Cameroon by conducting controlled laboratory experiments. Garabed focuses on global disease control and modeling.
If you can’t make it to the session, the talk will be live streamed and recorded. Streaming logistics: If you don’t have a university login, just enter as a guest. Your system should automatically download a flash plug-in that will allow Adobe Connect to run in your browser. Email Maureen Langlois with questions.
About the Series
The Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series is a collaboration between the Center for African Studies, the Global One Health initiative, and the Global Water Institute. Sessions are held Wednesdays from 12-1 in Enarson 160.
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