Tackling Infectious Disease With A Systems Approach: Two Stories From East Africa

Maureen Langlois
A lunch forum featuring three international visitors working with Ohio State in East Africa.
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 12-2
Location: Enarson Classroom Building Room 160 on the Ohio State University campus
Lunch will be provided (please register for a lunch)
Please join international visitors working with Ohio State’s Global One Health Initiative and the Global Water Institute to learn about the university’s projects and partnerships in East Africa
- Dr. Ibrahim Kabole, MD, Country Director for WaterAid Tanzania Reducing the infectious disease burden in rural Tanzania through water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) at health care facilities
- Dr. Yimer Getnet, East African Regional Director and Ms. Tigist Endashaw, Regional Program Manager, Ohio State Global One Health Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities and impact of the Global One Health Initiative in East Africa
Each speaker will offer a 30-minute presentation with time afterward for questions and discussion.
Register for this Event
Please register for an omnivore or vegetarian lunch by Monday, June 12.
About the Series
The Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series is a collaboration between the Center for African Studies and the Global Water Institute. This presentation is also sponsored by the Global One Health Initiative at Ohio State.
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Photo: Patients and staff at a health clinic in Kiomboi, Tanzania where sanitation and hygiene improvements have reduced waterborne disease and improved infant survival. Source: WaterAid Tanzania.