

Tom Darrah indoor in front of a stage holding an award.

Global Water Institute Director Tom Darrah Named Innovator of the Year for Commercializing Pioneering Green Hydrogen Technology

The Global Water Institute’s Tom Darrah was named the Innovator of the Year at a special reception on Thursday, April 20 for his groundbreaking research on green hydrogen. This achievement marks a…

Logo for WateratOhioState

Project Launch: WateratOhioState


Organized by The Ohio State University researchers, is a water-based web platform built to collect Ohio State's water-related assets in one spot…

A tin bucket hanging on a wood post in the dirt surrounded by rock and some vegetation in the distance

The Global Water Institute and Its Partners Are Enhancing Water Accessibility for The Navajo Nation

The Ohio State University's Global Water Institute (GWI) is working to address the Navajo Nation's water access crisis. The Nation is a federally recognized tribe with over 300,000…

A crowd gathered around a tree planting dig site in a circle as one person is talking to everyone with planted trees sprinkled around and truck and cars parked close by and the mountains at a distance and blue sky with white puff clouds.

The Global Water Institute, Ohio State Extension, and Partners Host Navajo Nation Community Gardens Workshop


In late March, representatives from the Global Water Institute and Ohio State University Extension traveled to the Navajo Nation in Arizona to host a “Community Garden: Soils…

A group of people standing in a Dry land with light color soil and tall crops with trees in a distance under blue skies

Ohio State-Developed Crop Management System Improves Yields and Soil Quality for the West African Sahel


A group of farmers, researchers, students, extension specialists, and NGOs gathered on October 7th for the inaugural Field Day of the Optimized Shrub System (OSS), an…

a group of 4 people with shovels digging in the lawn in a neighborhood with houses and trees around and cars in the street behind them under a blue sky.

Engineers Without Borders Continues Partnership with Green Columbus


After unexpected COVID-19 guidelines in November 2020 threw a wrench in their plans, the Ohio State chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) was finally able to continue…

The Ohio State University Global Water Institute logo

New partnership between Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and Global Water Institute to tackle climate and water justice


Two of Ohio State University’s most internationally recognized organizations, the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center and Global Water Institute (…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Watershed Moments


Amina Allute from the village Mvae in rural Tanzania used to travel miles each day to fetch water with her children. It took hours. Today, she is excited that water is…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Beyond the Glitz and Glamor Lies Artisanal Mining


Artisanal mining of resources such as gold and diamonds has historically attracted the world’s poorest populations, trapping them in a cycle of poverty. In…