

Logo for AGI, American Geosciences Institute. AGI is in large yellow letters and to its left is a swirl of color (red, yellow, green, dark blue, light blue, and black). Beneath that is the phrase: connecting earth, science, and people

Schwartz Recipient of AGI’s “Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal”


Dr. Franklin W. Schwartz from School of Earth Sciences at The Ohio State University has been named as the 2021 recipient of the AGI “Marcus Milling Legendary…

A small shed without a door standing in an empty, dry desert. It is surrounded by bits of yellow brush with low hills and dark shrubs dotting the background. Spray painted onto the shed in curly letters is the phrase: water is life

Water is a Human Right, Right?


In recognition of World Water Day on March 22, the Global Water Institute is hosting a panel discussion and Q&A around this year’s World Water Day Theme: Valuing…

A Native American man with black braids wearing a gingham shirt and jeans and drinking from a pump

Global Water Institute leads effort to improve water and food security with the Navajo Nation


A new effort led by researchers at The Ohio State University will help the Navajo Nation mitigate the lack of water and food security at a time when the Navajo communities…

The Ohio State University Global Water Institute logo

GWI Student Advisory Board Completes a Successful First Semester


Colin Rush, Computer Science and Engineering

GWI has established a Student Advisory Board (SAB) to provide insight…

A small herd of rhinos grazing in a fild with a stormy blue sky above them

GWI Director to Lead Wilds Research Project


With the recent trend towards cleaner energy and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, there is work being done to determine the impacts of shale-gas production…

A garden with three, tall rows of plants. There are houses and a parked car nearby

Engineers Without Borders Partners with Green Columbus to Bring More Trees to the City


In the midst of such a tumultuous time, there is hopeful work being done in the communities of Linden and Hilltop. The Ohio State chapter of Engineers Without…

Dozens of small plants in cloth containers shaded under a tent made of tightly set sticks

Trees for the Future Sustainable Forest Gardening Program a Huge Success in GWI Pilot Villages


The Global Water Institute’s partner organization, Trees for the Future, has successfully implemented their Forest Garden Training Project in the villages of Mughanga and…

A Black person washing their hands in an outdoor facet

Responding to COVID-19


Like the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected GWI’s work. Travel and public gathering restrictions in Tanzania have impacted our partners’ ability…

One man standing in front of a projection screen with two men sitting off to the side. Projected onto the screen is a slide reading "Did You Know: an Overview of OSU Activities in East Africa"

Did You Know Presentation Recap


GWI’s second annual Did You Know event was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the breadth of OSU activities going on in East Africa. With an audience that…