The Water and Climate Collective has a Student Engagement Coordinator!

October 4, 2023

The Water and Climate Collective has a Student Engagement Coordinator!

Annalise Khandelwal conducting field research.

As the Water and Climate Collective gears up for a stellar academic year, we welcome Annalise Khandelwal as its Student Engagement Coordinator.

The Water and Climate Collective is a student-led collaboration between the Global Water Institute and the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. It provides a space for all The Ohio State University students to engage in water and climate issues.

Annalise is studying Environmental Science in the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, minoring in Neuroscience. She spent this past summer completing a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) at Oregon State University. There, she worked in the Sullivan Hydrology Lab and conducted field research in Central Oregon and the Central Sierra Nevada region of Northern California. 

Outside of academics, Annalise is the Deputy Director of Climate Advocacy in the Undergraduate Student Government at The Ohio State University, advocating for a more environmentally sustainable campus.

If you are an Ohio State Student interested in water and climate issues across the university and beyond, consider joining the Water and Climate Collective.

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