

Two bridges crossing over a wide, blue river. The land is lush, green, and hilly. There are nearby buildings on the far side of the river.

EVENT: Voices For Water: WMAO Conference and Symposium

Maureen Langlois

The Water Management Association of Ohio presents its 45th Annual Conference and Symposium, “Voices for Water.”

Join us as we highlight the efforts of those…

A cartoony map of Tanzania. Cartoony houses are clumped together into units with lines connecting between different units around the country. Overlaid on the image is a YouTube play button

New Student-Produced Video Promotes Sustainable Water Program

Maureen Langlois

Curious about the GWI-led Sustainable Village Water Systems Program? A new animated video produced by Arin Carver (B.S.D. 2017, Visual Communication Design) with music by…

A white woman and a bunch of black kinds smiling and engaged with each other. There is a clay and straw house behind them

EVENT: Sustainable And Resilient Tanzanian Community Study Abroad Program

Maureen Langlois

Resident directors Dr. Joe Campbell and Mary McLaughlin will hold information sessions for the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community study abroad program.…

A mixed race, mixed gender group of people standing together beneath a tree and smiling. Many are wearing colorful wraps and patterns.

Engineering Capstone Team Visits Partner Village In Tanzania

Maureen Langlois

A team from The Ohio State University’s Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering traveled to Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro region in May to work with a…

A mixed race, mixed gender group of people in business formal wear standing on a brick path in front of some foliage

2016 GAP Student Blog: Tackling Team Work In Tanzania

Maureen Langlois

As we’ve all come to know, group work inherently comes with peaks and valleys, high fives, handshakes and deep-seeded displeasure. Fisher makes a huge push for group work…

An Indian man with dark skin and black hair smiling at the camera. He is wearing a graduation cap and gown, and holding a bouquet of roses and a diploma

Congratulations, Graduating GWI Masters Students!

Maureen Langlois

The end of the spring semester saw three GWI student associates graduate from Ohio State:

Paree Allu (M.S., Mechanical Engineering), currently working as a…
Three black men in brightly colored wraps standing in front of some trees on a red dirt road

2016 GAP Student Blog: The Land Of The Masai

Maureen Langlois

Mention East African culture or the dominant Swahili language to a Westerner and you might just stir up images of brightly clad Masai people with gauged (stretched lobe…

A spiky orange starfish held in a white person's hand over a clear, pale blue sea

2016 GAP Student Blog: Tanzania’s Own Island Paradise

Maureen Langlois

Throughout the centuries of the colonial age, Zanzibar was claimed, conquered and held by Portugal, Oman and, most recently, Great Britain. The island gained its…

Close up of a papaya plant with large green fruits and broad leaves

2016 GAP Student Blog: Beyond The Lions And Elephants In Arusha

Maureen Langlois

I don’t want to claim that our first few days in Tanzania were tops among GAPers, but I challenge any location in the world to compete with the awe-inspiring Serengeti…