2016 GAP Student Blog: Beyond The Lions And Elephants In Arusha

May 23, 2016

2016 GAP Student Blog: Beyond The Lions And Elephants In Arusha

Close up of a papaya plant with large green fruits and broad leaves

Maureen Langlois

I don’t want to claim that our first few days in Tanzania were tops among GAPers, but I challenge any location in the world to compete with the awe-inspiring Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Seeing huge horizon-to-horizon herds of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle followed by pools of massive floating families of hippos and, of course, the fierce predators lurking in the bush was an amazing experience. Read the full post…

Working through Fisher College’s Global Applied Projects (GAP) Program, GWI has commissioned a team of six MBA students to do some field-testing of our franchising concept for sustainable water services in Tanzania. These blog posts reflect their experiences as they spend three weeks doing research–and some sightseeing–in various regions of the country. Funding made possible through Ohio State’s Office of Energy and Environment.

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