

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Tuberculosis Research in Humans and Cattle in Ethiopia


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem. One person dies of TB every 21 seconds. In 2017, the World Health Organization…
A busy vegetable stall at a market

Developing Integrated Strategies to Manage Diseases of Vegetable Crops in Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker SeriesVegetables are a critical component of balanced nutrition but present many production challenges in tropical countries.  Among these…
A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Spring 2018 Voices from the Field Series Finale


The official wrap-up of the Voices from the Field Series: Challenges & Opportunities of Data will close with three faculty who will share perspectives on their research in…

A group of Black men at a table working on computers

Online Teaching and Learning in Ethiopia


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker SeriesDistance education is on the rise across Eastern Africa as communities connect with each other and with universities around the globe…
A child in a sweatshirt, shorts, and space-themed rainboots standing in red mud

Household Surveys for Interdisciplinary Research: Challenges of Multidimensional Data Collection


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Leah Bevis, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics at Ohio State…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Re-Constructing the Colonial State: Experiences with Archival Field Research in Namibia


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Dr. Jan Pierskalla’s empirical analysis relies on information on the location of police stations and a near full census of police…

The Ohio State University Global Water Institute logo

Marty Kress and Michael Seid Will Present at IFA Conference 2018


GWI Executive Director, Marty Kress, to co-lead a new session on social franchising at the International Franchise Association’s Annual Convention, February 10-13.


Five white men in business attire standing in a row with their hands clasped together in front of them

FABE Capstone Students Investigate Soil Moisture Monitoring For Tanzanian Farmers


GWI is working with Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) team to work on an exciting Soil Moisture capstone project under adviser, Dr. Margaret Kalcic and course…

The Ohio State University Global Water Institute logo

FABE Capstone Students Develop Solutions for Post-Harvest Loss


After last year’s successful collaboration, GWI is once again sponsoring a Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) team to work on a Post Harvest project under…