

Flooded street with street and store signs and cones under water. A building flooded too.

America's Water Crisis

The United States faces significant freshwater challenges due to pollution, population growth, climate change, and engineering. While only 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater, nearly all is…

Tom Darrah indoor in front of a stage holding an award.

Global Water Institute Director Tom Darrah Named Innovator of the Year for Commercializing Pioneering Green Hydrogen Technology

The Global Water Institute’s Tom Darrah was named the Innovator of the Year at a special reception on Thursday, April 20 for his groundbreaking research on green hydrogen. This achievement marks a…

Logo for WateratOhioState

Project Launch: WateratOhioState


Organized by The Ohio State University researchers, is a water-based web platform built to collect Ohio State's water-related assets in one spot…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Spring 2018 Voices from the Field Series Finale


The official wrap-up of the Voices from the Field Series: Challenges & Opportunities of Data will close with three faculty who will share perspectives on their research in…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Re-Constructing the Colonial State: Experiences with Archival Field Research in Namibia


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Dr. Jan Pierskalla’s empirical analysis relies on information on the location of police stations and a near full census of police…

A water spigot in the middle of the image in a darker blue green color against a background of light blue and darker blue striped diagonal lines right to left

Challenges and Opportunities Of Data In Africa: Spring 2018 Voices from the Field Speaker Series


GWI is once again teaming up with the Center for African Studies, the Global One Health initiative to present Voices from the Field, a brown bag speaker series featuring…

A Black woman working on a laptop in public

Strengthening Research Methodology And Data Analysis Capacity In Higher Education In Ethiopia: Challenges And Opportunities


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Ann O’Connell, professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Ohio State, will share some experiences with capacity…

Three women, one white and two Black. The white woman and one of the Black women are listening to the other as she gestures, mid-speach

Brown Bag: From Focus Groups to Field Experiments: A Decade of Data Collection in Malawi


Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Studying the relationship between identity and politics in Malawi forces researchers to rely on a plethora of data collection…