

Balako Gumi, a Black man with short cropped hair wearing a suit, giving a presentation

Eight Great Speakers Round Out Autumn 2017 Speaker Series


The fall Voices from the Field series, co-sponsored by the Global Water Institute, the Center for African Studies and the Global One Health…

A bunch of goats in a lush field with people running behind them and trees and mountains beyond them

Lunch Speaker: One Health Concepts From Traditional Healers And Professional Perspectives in Ethiopia


NOTE NEW VENUE. Due to high demand, this event will now be in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Lounge (Room 132), Hale Hall, 154 W 12th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210

Implications For…

A mixed race, mixed age group of people, mostly Black. They are wearing colorful patterns and smiling

Marwa Village Community Health Consultation: June 2017


The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community (SRTC) program invites you to a brown bag lunch presentation entitled, “Marwa Village Community Health Consultation: June 2017…