

Six people in front of a lake. Two are kneeled in front. Four are in the O-H-I-O arm pose

Fisher MBA Students Explore Post-Harvest Opportunities for Tanzanian Farmers

Nathaniel Kramer

A team of six MBA student consultants from Fisher College of Business’ Global Applied Projects (GAP) program recently completed a three-week study on behalf of the Global…

Smiling at the camera are two white women and a black man wearing brown waders and holding walking sticks

Brown Bag: Linking Water Quality With Aquatic Biodiversity In Rural Ugandan Communities

Maureen Langlois

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

This week, Suzanne Gray will discuss her Water Across the World project, where she works with students in rural…

Three black men and one white man sitting around a table with pens, paper, notebooks, and glasses of water between them

Brown Bag: The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community Program

Maureen Langlois

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community Program (SRTC) is an interdisciplinary, international service-…

A black boy bent at the waist, hands on his knees, and smiling towards the camera. Behind him, a group of kids are playing

Brown Bag: Health And Demographic Surveillance In Africa: Experiences From The Last 25 Years

Maureen Langlois

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series

Africa is the world region with the least information on population health.  Most civil registration and vital…

People using hoes whiler working in a field

New “Voices From The Field” Brown Bag Series Focuses On Africa

Maureen Langlois

The Global Water Institute and the Center for African Studies announce a new informal lunchtime forum to highlight the work of Ohio State faculty who have had significant…

Two people on a river. One is standind in the water, the other is on a rubber, inflatable raft. Both are fishing

EVENT: EPN Breakfast Club: We All Need Healthy Rivers

Maureen Langlois

In honor of World Water Month, the Environmental Professionals Network program will be jointly presented with the Water Management Association of Ohio.

We All Need…

A mixed race group of people standing in a field of tall, yellow plants

Ohio State A Leader For Global Education

Maureen Langlois

Ohio State was recently ranked in the top 10 nationally among doctoral institutions for the number of students studying abroad and is in the top 20 for its international…

A Cambodian stone demon statue at the bank of a river

Spring Course Offering: Water: A Human History

Maureen Langlois

Prof. Nicholas Breyfogle will offer a spring semester course exploring the relationship between people and water over time and place.

Water: A Human History (…

A map of Tanzania with orange, blue, yellow, and green dots scattered across it

EVENT: Global Water Institute At GIS Day

Maureen Langlois

The Global Water Insitute’s Senior Research Associate Rebecca Gianotti will give a lightning talk at the campus GIS Day about using GIS to explore water resource…