Deadline Approaching for Student Program in Tanzania
Nathaniel Kramer
Our friends at the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community program are once again taking a group of Ohio State students on a service-learning trip to Tanzania…
Engineering Students Seek Solution For Too Much Fluoride
Nathaniel Kramer
Fluoride—an indispensable element for dental health, right? That’s why many cities in the United States add it to their drinking water. But what if you have too much?…
GWI at the OHI/O Hackathon
Nathaniel Kramer
The Global Water Institute has partnered with OHI/O to offer a challenge at the upcoming OHI/O Hackathon on the weekend of October 21 and 22. Students will have 24 hours…
Spring Service-Learning Opportunity In Tanzania
Nathaniel Kramer
The Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community program has announced a series of informational sessions for their upcoming service-learning trip in May of 2018.…
Brown Bag: Stuck Between Two Extremes: Trying to Find Solutions That Work in the Field and in the Lab
Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
Finding compatible research cultures in the field may be just as difficult–but is certainly just as important–as bridging…
New Student Opportunities This Autumn Semester
Chaitanya Balasubramanyam
GWI is proud to announce an expanded portfolio of student activities this fall. These opportunities–both within academic courses and outside of class–will give…
Ohio State Student Farm Test Drives Irrigation Scheme For African Smallholder Farmers
Chaitanya Balasubramanyam
When Peter Ngimbwa, a Tanzanian student in The Ohio State University Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, defended his Master’s thesis…
Engineering Capstone Team Designs Rainwater Catchment System
Chaitanya Balasubramanyam
A team of engineering students from Ohio State’s Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering (FABE)—Nick Ciccotelli, Maddie Conover, Evan Curts,…
Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community Completes Successful Summer Programs
Chaitanya Balasubramanyam
The Global Water Institute would like to extend our congratulations to our partners at the Sustainable and Resilient Tanzania Community (SRTC) program on the…