Maureen Langlois
Ohio State students from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Business came together on April 21 to hear about innovative approaches to social entrepreneurship–and in the case of GWI, to brainstorm some of their own. Hosted by UnSectored Cbus, an organization that promotes awareness of socially minded local businesses and business models, and co-sponsored by GWI, the event featured presentations from Claire Coder, founder of Go Aunt Flow, and Andrea Hidalgo of Carry Me Forward. The evening culminated in a presentation by GWI Graduate Associate Christian Medeiros about a proposed franchise model for water services in rural Tanzania, after which attendees broke into brainstorming groups to tackle some of the open questions and challenges GWI and partners have encountered in developing the concept. The ensuing discussion helped bring several new ideas and potential connections to the attention of the GWI business sustainability team–thanks to all who participated!