MULTIPLE EVENTS: Climate Change And Adaptation In Bangladesh

Maureen Langlois
The Global Water Institute is co-sponsoring a visit by two distinguished scholars collaborating with Ohio State faculty on interdisciplinary research, education and outreach relating to coastal vulnerability in Bangladesh.
Mahbuba Nasreen, PhD
Director and Professor, Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies
University of Dhaka
Mizanur Rahman, PhD
Project Director, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Formulation Project
Superintending Engineer, Bangladesh Water Development Board, Ministry of Water Resources
Tuesday Oct 25 3:30- 5 pm
Scott Laboratory E100
“Climate Change and Adaptation in Bangladesh”
Open to the public; registration
Wednesday Oct 26 3:30 – 5 pm
Smith Laboratory 3150
Brainstorming session on potential collaboration on NSF-INFEWS and other funding proposals
Thursday Oct 27 2 – 3:15 pm
Mendenhall Lab 291
“Roundtable Discussion of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh”
Open to the public
For more information about Dr. Nasreen and Dr. Rahman’s visit, and to register for the events, visit the Mershon Center website.
Other co-sponsors include the School of Environment and Natural Resources, Sustainable and Resilient Economy Initiative, Institute for Population Research, Environmental Policy Initiative and School of Earth Sciences.