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December 5: World Soil Day 2023!

November 27, 2023

December 5: World Soil Day 2023!

Seedlings on dirt as rain drops pour down.

Soil and water, a source of life

The United Nations (UN) has designated December 5, 2023, as World Soil Day. 

The survival of our planet hinges on the relationship between soil and water, essential for over 95 percent of our food. Soil degradation, exacerbated by climate change and human activities, threatens this balance, impacting water availability and ecosystem health.

Sustainable soil management practices, like minimal tillage and crop rotation, are crucial for maintaining soil health, reducing erosion, and enhancing water management. These methods also aid in carbon sequestration, combating climate change.

World Soil Day 2023 highlights the importance of soil and water in sustainable agrifood systems, encouraging global participation in soil conservation efforts. Visit the UN WSD webpage to explore more about this day. Visit the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for more resources..