Brown Bag: Cooperation and Collaboration to Meet Challenges of Research in a ‘No-Go’ Zone

Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series
In the fall of 2013, the Modeling Regime Shifts in the Logone (MORSL) team was eager to continue their multi-year human and natural system research on the Logone Floodplain in the Far North Region of Cameroon. However, growing regional unrest spilling over from neighboring Nigeria prevented the team from traveling to their field site to collect data. To this day, the team is still unable to visit the system they are studying. Sui Phang will discuss how the team sought to overcome this major research obstacle by capitalizing on the opportunities for collaborating and cooperating with local fishers, researchers, and NGOs.
Phang’s research focuses on the logistical challenge of the Logone Floodplain field work and interdisciplinary challenges due to linguistic and cultural divides between the US and Cameroon. Still, Phang’s team persevered and took steps to overcome challenges by developing fisher sampling teams, training, and modeling data.
Wednesday, January 31st, 12-1 pm
Enarson Classroom Building Room 160 on The Ohio State University campus
The event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP.
About the speaker

Sui Phang is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology. Phang is working with Ian Hamilton to study fish in the Longone Floodplain. His aim is to update models to improve fish stocks integral to industries as well as maintain a healthy relationship between fishery management and the environment.
If you can’t make it to the session, the talk will be live streamed and recorded. Streaming logistics: If you don’t have a university login, just enter as a guest. Your system should automatically download a flash plug-in that will allow Adobe Connect to run in your browser. Email Laura Joseph with questions.
About the Series
The Voices from the Field Brown Bag Speaker Series is a collaboration between the Center for African Studies, the Global One Health initiative, and the Global Water Institute. Sessions are held Wednesdays from 12-1 in Enarson 160.
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