2016 GAP Student Blog: Tanzanian Lunch Meeting at a Greek Restaurant…Wait, What?

May 18, 2016

2016 GAP Student Blog: Tanzanian Lunch Meeting at a Greek Restaurant…Wait, What?

A mixed race group of men standing with their arms around each other's shoulders

Maureen Langlois

In true Fisher networking fashion, we landed a lunch meeting with a local water solutions manager – a tentative third degree connection to our group. Our first business meeting on Tanzanian soil went well, despite the distant network link and unavoidable jet lag. Vincent runs a drilling and construction company in Arusha, a former division of a company focused on bore holes for water wells. Read the full post…

Working through Fisher College’s Global Applied Projects (GAP) Program, GWI has commissioned a team of six MBA students to do some field-testing of our franchising concept for sustainable water services in Tanzania. These blog posts reflect their experiences as they spend three weeks doing research–and some sightseeing–in various regions of the country. Funding made possible through Ohio State’s Office of Energy and Environment.

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